French Fries Line
French Fries…there is hardly any other food product that has to meet higher consumer expectations. You can find Fries anywhere and they are consumed in vast quantities. A consistent quality can only be achieved with first-class production facilities. However, a profitable 24 / 7 operation largely depends on user-friendly components.
Our latest addition, the Blanching Machine is recognised for its consistent blanching quality.
See for yourself! The well-engineered production solutions and easy to clean machines by EIMA will convince you. Whether you have need for a small system with a capacity of 1-1½ t/h or you require an industrial-type production line of up to 10 t/h, contact us. You will be surprised what the scalable architecture of EIMA productions solutions have to offer you.
Because with EIMA your French Fries will be “worth their weight in gold.
„A good French Fries
is worth its weight in gold“
capacity: in kg/h 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000
Your EIMA advantages:
- High-quality components
- Designed for 24 / 7 operation
- Low operating costs
Entsteinen und waschen
- minimale Schälverluste
- doppelwandiger Behälter zur Trennung von Kondensat und Produkt
- sehr gute und schnelle Verteilung des Dampfes
- Verkürzung der Schälzeiten
- optimierte Dampfablassventile
Double cutting system
Kontinuierliche Friteuse
Leistung von 500 kg/h bis 2000 kg/h
- optimierter Strömungsverlauf des Frittieröls
- automatische Höhenverstellung durch separate Antriebe
- gleichmäßiger Transport des Frittiergutes durch Paddel
- Verbesserung des Acrylamidwertes durch Senkung der Frittiertemperatur
- längere Standzeiten des Frittieröls
- verringerter Energieeintrag